What We Do

AFO collaborates with many partners around a shared vision and set of values. We strive to understand what older adults living in the greater Oxford area need, support existing resources, and create new services to assure that residents can remain and thrive in this community across their life course.


The VISION of AFO is an inclusive livable community with housing, transportation, social opportunities, and services that support the well-being of citizens of all ages. These resources will enhance personal independence; allow residents to thrive as they age in place; foster residents’ engagement in the community’s civic, economic, and social life, and support individuals and families when a loved one needs additional care.

AFO’s Values

AFO Leadership is committed to a set of VALUES to promote and practice with partners and community members as we plan and implement our work.

  • Respect - for older adults as experienced, vital contributors to the social, economic, civic, life of the community

  • Inclusion - of voices and needs of ALL older adults, in our planning, programs and policies.

  • A shared vision and common agenda for quality of life in the greater Oxford area

  • Collaboration with local, regional and national stakeholders doing related work

  • Use of current data and information to guide the work

  • Promote existing programs and services

  • Pilot best practices from other Age-Friendly communities

  • Seek new technology